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I am Rice.

I am a photo-artist and poet who seeks to make images, and frame words in order to express humanity, and the truth that I see.


You are welcome to explore my work on these pages, If you wish, you may comment on some of what you see, or share with me your thoughts.


You can buy prints of some of my images, and I am also prepared to take commissions. I am not driven by money, and often if I think it is the best option, I will consider individual circumstances. Just message me below, and I will respond.

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The Rain


The canvas,

clear and empty like the silence

between the raindrops.

Once you would stir your crazy mind,

take your brushes and pallet knives

and fill that space with colour,

light and shade.

Now just the sound of rain,

a jar of old brushes, and an empty frame,

Between the raindrops,

I wish I could see your colours again.


Contact Rice

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